Show off your Peas!

IB hen was taking a break.

Back to work, ten more days to go.

The hens on the left had at least four eggs piping today. One gal stood up so I could see the eggs, she had eight, I don't know how many the other one has. Two of the three hens in the Purple pen are sitting, the other has four chicks following her around. I'll get pics of them tomorrow.

Here is one of the grow out runs, the chicks are getting ready for a night under the stars.


Here is a pic of the outside of the runs.

The runs are 33' x 50' with ground wire buried 2' past the bottom of the pen. 2" knotted netting on top with two Great Pyrs guarding all night I hardly need the live traps or the night scoped rifle anymore. And of course, if they want to go inside and enjoy the fans they can.

I wish I could have bigger pens for my peafowl. Maybe when I get a farm of my own in SD I will build big pens for my peafowl since I hope to have a lot more than I have now.
I wish I could have bigger pens for my peafowl. Maybe when I get a farm of my own in SD I will build big pens for my peafowl since I hope to have a lot more than I have now.

Gramps said that you can not build a barn big enough. I say that the amount of junk you have is directly proportionate to the amount of space you have to put it in. Then I moved into the country, now I have even more space it pile it up outside...
First post here! This is only our second year with peas.

Ming is my pied male. This was a few weeks back, just before he dropped his train. Never seen anything molt so fast - he's got none of his tail left now.

This is my little pea, Ming's kid - no name yet except "little pea". I don't have a pic of the mom but s/he clearly takes after her, as a White.


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