Showing Olandsk Dwarf chickens?

Okay, so they may be a slightly smaller version than even my d’Uccles. I’m glad they’re small so I can have a decent number of them without giving up too much coop space. Are they decent fliers? I have some high up roost space—do you think they would use it?

I’d love to do an egg trade, with so few breeders out here it would be great to keep the genetics strong with variation. Plus then I could have the pretty colors 😬😬
I haven't had these long enough to know a lot about them. I do know they like to group nest and like to brood. I've seen as many as 6 or more of her birds all piled together in a nest. She'd mark the eggs and pull any layed before or after a time window so they hatch together with not too many eggs at once. Just enough eggs for each bird to have a couple eggs to sit on. She'd pull the babies to brooder raise though.
My friend used to let them all out to play occasionally and they usually focused on foraging and each other. But they could fly well and i remember one of the hens was always going on top of a shed to just look around. They always put themselves to bed well though. They haven't had any free range time here yet because of a hawk that keeps landing in and circling our pine tree. It doesn't seem interested in anything but our tree but I'm sure that'd change fast if i let any birds out! In their coops, they're taking the highest perches and those are shoulder height.
I've got my first eggs under a hen right now (my incubators devoted to call ducks for now) so will get to see for myself how true they breed. She kept them separated by color with orange breasted, chocolate breasted, black breasted and the ones she called lavender. For now I'm keeping them as she had them though I've never bred for anything but pets. Very very curious to see what comes out of the eggs for myself! Send me a message whenever you want to trade!🥰
I haven't had these long enough to know a lot about them. I do know they like to group nest and like to brood. I've seen as many as 6 or more of her birds all piled together in a nest. She'd mark the eggs and pull any layed before or after a time window so they hatch together with not too many eggs at once. Just enough eggs for each bird to have a couple eggs to sit on. She'd pull the babies to brooder raise though.
My friend used to let them all out to play occasionally and they usually focused on foraging and each other. But they could fly well and i remember one of the hens was always going on top of a shed to just look around. They always put themselves to bed well though. They haven't had any free range time here yet because of a hawk that keeps landing in and circling our pine tree. It doesn't seem interested in anything but our tree but I'm sure that'd change fast if i let any birds out! In their coops, they're taking the highest perches and those are shoulder height.
I've got my first eggs under a hen right now (my incubators devoted to call ducks for now) so will get to see for myself how true they breed. She kept them separated by color with orange breasted, chocolate breasted, black breasted and the ones she called lavender. For now I'm keeping them as she had them though I've never bred for anything but pets. Very very curious to see what comes out of the eggs for myself! Send me a message whenever you want to trade!🥰
Awesome! Thanks, that helps me prepare better :) They sound like characters 🥰 I will definitely message you!
I have my ODs! They are currently in quarantine in the house…but the rooster crowing and shavings EVERYWHERE is speeding up our desire to get them a coop outside 😆 They’re very chatty, messy, active and bicker so they definitely need more space. They’re very pretty!


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I have my ODs! They are currently in quarantine in the house…but the rooster crowing and shavings EVERYWHERE is speeding up our desire to get them a coop outside 😆 They’re very chatty, messy, active and bicker so they definitely need more space. They’re very pretty!
Pretty birds!
My understanding is that blue comes from black bred to splash and if you breed two blue birds you get chicks that are black, blue or splash.
Lavender involves the same gene's and colors, however lavender breeds true.
No. Lavender involves a different gene, and does not involve the same colors.

...I just went and read some on the color and from that, these would be blue as the rooster shows reds rather then straw colors. And I read that there are some blue chickens that breed true. It's just that most don't. I'll have to read a lot more.
The "blue" that breeds true is really lavender.

Sometimes people use the word "blue" to mean the color they see, no matter what genes are causing that color. (Which can get very confusing!)

"Andalusian blue" is another name for blue (that one that makes black/blue/splash, and dilutes black but has little effect on red/gold shades.)

"Self blue" is another name for lavender (the recessive gene that breeds true, that dilutes both black and red/gold shades.)

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