Sicilian buttercup egg machine!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 18, 2009
Bend, OR.
Hello fellow chickeneers!

I thought I'd post a pic of the golden eggs that our Sicilian Butercup is laying! They are the most gorgeous (and delicious) eggs we have ever seen. Very nice light light brown (basically white), small and perfectly shaped.
I read that SB's only lay about 3 eggs a week, but she is giving us like one a day!
The big egg on thje left is a store bought free range egg that I pictured for reference.

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Don't you just love the little buttercups?
I have a little hen (and her name is "Buttercup"
) and she, too, is a good little layer! I've called her eggs a "creamy" color. She is a little flighty and stand-off-ish, but still a sweet girl.
If you want a broody hen, try silkies or Buff Orpingtons. But you should know that when a hen is setting broody, she is not laying eggs. That's three weeks. Nor is she laying while she is raising her chicks, which may be anywhere from three to six additional weeks. Chickens don't lay while molting, and most won't lay for a month or two during winter months either. So that's a lot of time "not laying." Come spring she'll start laying again, but ... then she may decide it's time to go broody again.

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