Sick 1 year old hen-not eating, laying down, not acting normal


Aug 26, 2024
I have a 1 year old, speckled mix, hen that is not acting herself. This just became noticeable this afternoon. Her comb is bright red, eyes still look bright. She is walking but lays down often. Her last stool was "firm", green in color, but had a lot of clear liquid with it. I can not feel an egg (if you are able to feel if they are egg bound). She is not eating, crop seems empty. She hasn't lost weight. This is sudden onset. She is in a coop that has sand bedding with straw in nesting boxes. This has been the norm. She is with 6 hens her age as well as 11 that are 3 months old. They free range in a fenced area during the day. No one else is showing these symptoms. She will walk but chooses to lay down after a minute. She was not foraging with the others. She doesn't have any wounds I can see and the bottoms of her feet look normal. No sores or swollen areas.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would try giving her a supplement with niacin in it first if she is not walking far. Niacin deficiency hits suddenly and usually affects only one of the flock. If you can, isolate her and get some vit B drops in her for a day or two to see if it improves. I also highly recommend water with fresh cut garlic in it in case there is anything viral/ bacterial going on.

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