Sick 1 yr old hen


Apr 8, 2023
I have a hen they is not eating. She is drinking a lot of water, her comb is normal color. She is walking around ( not as much as she normally does). Not egg bound that I can tell she doesn’t strain Her poop is normal. She is breathing normal and has no discharge. Her rear end is dirty looking but it has always been like that. Any ideas?
How old is the hen? Does she still lay eggs? How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full and puffy, hard, or doughy? Can you check it again in early morning before she eats or drinks? What does her poop look like? Is there any swelling under her belly? Does she seem to have lost weight? Can you get her vent area cleaned up and take a picture of her? What do you feed her, and has she been wormed recently?
I feed her purina laying pellets. I have not wormed her but they were eating medicated chick feed until about 5 months old. She is a year old now
If you could check to see if her crop is emptying overnight, that could rule out a crop disorder. What does her poop look like? Is she eating any better?
My husband just told me her poop is watery. She does peck at food but still not eating much at all

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