Sick Babies?

I'm really sorry that you lost another. But it's a month later so you must be doing something right, don't be to hard on yourself. The dark poo is cecal, it's normal. It smells way worse than most poops but normal. Wheezing isn't Coccidiosis, it's respiratory so it's good you're giving them Tylan. Do you have a good predator proof coop to move them too soon? Not sure what your climate is but they'll be really soon. Hope all is well !!
I'm really sorry that you lost another. But it's a month later so you must be doing something right, don't be to hard on yourself. The dark poo is cecal, it's normal. It smells way worse than most poops but normal. Wheezing isn't Coccidiosis, it's respiratory so it's good you're giving them Tylan. Do you have a good predator proof coop to move them too soon? Not sure what your climate is but they'll be really soon. Hope all is well !!
We are in Houston, at area. So the climate is 70°-80°'s. I do have an outside predator proof coop. Was going to start adjusting them to their coop in the next week or two, just want to make sure we don't have anymore cold fronts coming through. I guess I will just keep doing what I have and pray these babies make it. Just really worried about the weezing from them, since that is how the other one started before she passed. 🙏 I won't worry about the poop then, Glad to hear that it is normal. I do have probiotic and electrolytes packs coming to start them on Monday after the antibiotics are finished on Sunday. Thanks so much for your response. I really appreciate it.
So, they made it through the antibiotics and started them on the electrolytes and probiotic pacs. How long do I give that to them? A couple of them have eye issues, even after the antibiotics, have been using the eye salve, starts with a T, eyes are lookingbetter everyday. Also 2 of them are still a little congested, but much better, and one is sneezing, had clear snot yesterday. I put some vetrx on the two still a little congested. Is there anything else I can do? Should I worm them? They go outside on weather permitting days for a couple of hours. Not sure if I should worm them because of that?
Just want to give an update for anyone that may have a similar situation. I had 7 chicks. First time chick Mom. 2 died First week. Tried to keep the entire room at 90°. They were 1-3 weeks old, big mistake. Had one sneezing when we got it, was told to give her Amoxy-Tylon, but by the time the meds came it (the day they came in) she died. The remaining 4 started to sneeze, cough, and gasp for air, eyes swollen. I started them on the Amoxy-Tylon for 7 days, after the 7 days, another one passed. Gave electrolytes and probiotics for 2 days, but they were still ill. Then gave the remaining 3 Baytril 10% per body weight straight. The tinest syringe, like .0025 to each (second line on a 1ml dropper), basically a drop of Baytril to each. Next day added Baytril to water. I also put VetRx on them each night, and put the eye Salve, starts with a T, eye antibiotics on the 2 with swollen eyes everyday from day one. 3rd morning of Baytril eyes are looking better, no mucus from nose, no coughing or sneezing. Will add Baytril to water today, day 3. They are going to make it and I am so happy I saved these last 3 girls. I was told by so many people to cull them and start over, upper respiratory will knock out the whole flock. But I was bound and determined to save my Babies. Rollercoaster of emotions, losing 4 of my 7, but so happy I saved some of them. They are now 4-6 weeks old, and are looking so much better. Has been a stressful month, but the these 3 are clearing up, pecking, scratching, eating drinking, and pooping good. Thank the heavens I found this group and learned so much useful information. I hope my post will help someone else save their babies as well.
I am so so sorry you have had this awful experience. It's not always like this. I remember getting my very first flock. I was so worried they would get sick I ordered a vaccine to give them against a bird flu thing. Can't remember the name) at any rate it made them all sick and I lost one by one. I learned a awful lesson. Now the only vaccine I give is from the hatchery at hatch for Mareks disease. Don't give up. I know it can be very discouraging when things like this happen but I shared my story to tell you not to give up. Change what you need to change and try again. It will be rewarding and you will be glad you did. In the brooder make sure they have a warm and cool side. I use a ambient heat brooder plate called Brensea brooder. They self regulate the warmth after I show them the food, water, and warmth. You might give the Brinsea brooder a try. I love it. They can't get burned from it and no chance of fire. We all live and learn. Sometimes things happen out of our control. I'd try again and see if the new chicks do better. Also some strong breeds that do well I've noticed are Barred Rocks and Buff Orpington. I've learned some breeds are much more fragile. Don't give up. I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. They won't all be like that. Don't be discouraged. We are all here to help each other. Hope this helps a bit.
Thanks this was a hard lesson, but so happy my last 3 girls are doing better. Only one eye on one girl is not 100%, but I would say 90%. No more gasping, sneezing, swollen cloudy eyes, coughing. The Baytril has knocked it out. I have definitely learned the lessons on brooding. Will try with maybe 2 more girls, but I see now what people mean when they say chicken math. I am already looking to purchase a bigger coop. Thinking 10 max 🤣, but that may change. I have learned so much on this group, and appreciate it more than ya'll know. Wish I had taken pictures when the girls were first sick, but will post a couple of them while getting better, although they are already better then the pics I will post. Thanks Ladies and Gents for helping me save three pretty little girl!!


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