Sick chick?

I'm wishing her the best. Can you mix the egg with a tiny bit of feed, then gradually add more feed?
I thought about that but she's being a weirdo and only eating the egg off my finger as I squirter it out of a syringe. She wint dip her beak and drink it. But we did cook an egg and she ate that so maybe I'll try to add wet feed to the cooked egg then switch it to dry
She let's me touch it and I opened it and it looks fine. The same as all the other girls. And she'll peck at mealworms..? Just ignores her dry food.
She let's me touch it and I opened it and it looks fine. The same as all the other girls. And she'll peck at mealworms..? Just ignores her dry food.
Okay, just a thought. Does she have something to sand her beak down on though? And do the others in the coop?
Started corid yesterday. She only will eat worms and eggs. Isn't really drinking. Won't eat her feed or wet feed. Still lethargic. Feet are still cool. She is gobbling down egg though?

She wint dip her beak and drink it.

It would also help to give her a drench dose over the next three days along with Corid water. The drench dose is undiluted Corid at .1ml per pound of weight via oral syringe.
I agree, I'd give her a drench in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water.

What do you mean she won't dip her beak to drink? Can she bend her neck? Can she see?

I'd make sure her crop is emptying overnight too, hard to tell, but it looks a bit puffy.

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