Sick chicken pooped out something weird, what is it?

She’s outside sunbathing right now :) I let the other chickens out to free range and a few of them fought her and drew some blood in her comb. She held her own and then I put the others away. I had another sick chicken that I had to isolate and eventually put down and they didn’t fight her like this so I’ll have to be careful if she heals and I have to reintroduce her. Chickens are so mean! Lol
Update: she’s still in the house and no egg for days. She seems to be acting normal, eating and drinking but her butt feathers (see photo) are still puffed up and she’s pooping runny, greenish poops. Going to start baytril today. I’m attaching a pic of her recent poop to see if it leads to any further advice. Thanks!
Hopefully the Baytril will help with any infection.
Thank you for the update, please keep us posted.

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