sick chicken


In the Brooder
May 29, 2015
I have a one year old barred rock that is lethargic and just looking pathetic. She is usually one of the first chickens in line for treats.any ideas on what might be wrong? She is still eating and drinking but just not herself. All my other ladies are perfectly healthy we worm every once in awhile just in case they eat payback layer pellets and we fill their query on a daily basis. She laid in a nest box almost all day but I was not home to watch her for any other symptoms. Any help would be appreciated I'm the crazy chicken lady with chicken children.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I'm sorry to hear you have an off colour hen :hugs Hanging around in the nest box a lot would point me toward here being egg bound or broody. Have you checked that she does not have an egg stuck? When did she last lay an egg? Is she grumpy and upset if you go into the nest box to check on her? If you take her out of the nest box does she head straight back in?

You may also like to post in the emergencies injuries disease section of the forum for further help. Here is the link ~

Good luck with your hen :fl
I am also sorry you have a sick hen - I am sure you will find an answer here - everyone is so knowledgeable about every chicken problem
She mostly lays around the coop in the shade. She Definately is not broody we have had that happen with other hens and she has no anger about being taken out of the box or put outside she is just exhausted and what would you do if she is egg bound?
She had runny white poop last night just checked on her she is just laying on the roost this morning. She looks better in her face but still she looks lazy. Any ideas what wow runny poop means her back end is a little poopy too.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Check her for egg binding and do this fast. If she is egg bound it will kill her. Get a latex or some sort of disposable glove with some KY jelly or vaseline on the index finger and gently insert your finger into her vent straight back. If she has a stuck egg you will feel it within the first inch or two. If she does have a stuck egg, read this article on treating and preventing egg binding...

If she does not have a stuck egg, she may be loaded with worms and needs to be wormed. She could also have coccidiosis and would need meds for this.

But check on the egg binding first.

I sure hope you can get her back to good health soon!
I am a new chicken to this site, but maybe you could try giving her some vitamins and 'force feed' her - You HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING - try Michael O'Shay he knows a lots, or Drumstick Diva or the Old Grey Mare - all of them have a fund of knowledge and could help.

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