Sick Chickens

Oct 25, 2024
Hello Everyone!

Two days ago I walked out to my run around 1600 and found a chicken dead. I had previously been out there around 1030 and saw nothing wrong. I had seen zero symptoms before this so I don't know if the death is related.

The last two days my chickens have started having runny noses, sore throats, and began coughing. Two of the chickens had one half closed puffy eye. I think that may be related to their stuffy noses however. They don't seem lethargic, and they are still eating and drinking. I am not sure if I should take one to the vet or not? I don't know how expensive antibiotics are for chickens. I have 16 chickens and I would hate to lose them all to an illness. But I don't know if their illness is serious or not.

I completely cleaned out the coop and the run when I found the dead chicken. I sprinkled food grade diatomaceous earth in the coop and in the run. I also poured apple cider vinegar in their water and have them some VetRX.

I have only owned chickens for about 6 months. I would really like some advice.
Hello, and welcome to BYC!!

How old are these chickens? All 16 of them are sick to some extent?

Can you get a photo of one of their faces with the swollen eye?

I'd put them on vitamin water right away. This could be something needing antibiotics but the vitamins will help them fight whatever they have. Sort of like us with a cold...Vit C helps. We use Poultry Cell or Nutra Drench.
They are all between 6-8 months old. 4-5 of them are sick from what I can tell. I am trying to find a way to isolate them but I have nothing in place for this at the moment.

I cannot get a photo at this moment. There is no discharge from the eye and the swelling does seem to have done down when I checked this evening. I am wondering if the swelling eye is related to the runny nose or a stuffed sinus.

Thank you so much for the suggestion, I will get some right away.

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