Sick chickens


Sep 22, 2020
I think my chickens are sick. Some are coughing and have runny noses and one hen has bubbles coming out of her eye. My roosters crow sounds rough. What should I do, how do I treat them? Is there a natural way to treat this? Thank you for help.
I think my chickens are sick. Some are coughing and have runny noses and one hen has bubbles coming out of her eye. My roosters crow sounds rough. What should I do, how do I treat them? Is there a natural way to treat this? Thank you for help.
Welcome To BYC

Do you have photos of your birds?
Have you added any new birds recently?

Coughing with mucous and bubbles in the eyes could be an indication of respiratory disease like Mycoplasma.

An antibiotic like Tylosin or Tiamulin can be given to help with symptoms.

For bubbles in the eyes, flush the eyes with saline. You can put an eye ointment like Terramycin in the eyes.

Make sure the birds have adequate ventilation in their coop/housing.

Here's some reading about respiratory diseases:
Thank you for your reply.

No I haven't added any new birds, this is my original flock I started with several years ago. They are not crowded in and have plenty of space in the coop and run. It was a very wet and muddy fall and the run was quite wet, lots of mud and puddles. So maybe this had something to do with it. They have been staying inside lately because of the cold days too.

Thank you for the suggestions on medications, I will look into them. You have been quite helpful, thank you!
I agree that it sounds like there is mycoplasma (MG) going around. I would close the flock to any new birds, or birds ever leaving your flock for life. MG is a common respiratory disease in some flocks and in wild birds. Coop ventilation and conditions, along with stress in cold weather can lead to symptoms showing up. Tylosin and tiamulin (TiaGard, Denagard) are the two most common antibiotics that treat MG. Hopefully, your flock will recover from symptoms. Make sure that your birds have dry clean bedding, and that they have adequate overhead ventilation inside the coop to remove humidity and any ammonia odors. But prevent any direct wind on them. Here is a good article about MG: Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Infecti....pdf

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