Sick chicks? Sneezing and gasping - 4-5 weeks old please help:(


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2024
New chick mom here! I have a couple different breeds, in total we have 12 chicks. Within the last week I noticed the occasional sneeze and didn’t think too much about it considering they were all looking well and as active as normal. However, during my nightly routine of sitting with them for an hour, I noticed a significant number of them are sneezing. One chick was sitting on me when she sneezed and I felt and saw “snot” come out with the sneeze. The most concerning thing I saw was one of the chicks seemingly gasping. She was stretching her neck out, holding her mouth open and making almost a very low groaning sound? I’m very worried, and have tried reading but I get different answers every where I look:( just hoping someone can give some advice, I would really hate for something to happen to these little guys!!! (I have a video of the gasping and sneezing but can’t seem to figure out how to upload videos? If that’s an option?) thank you in advance!!!

Adding - 11 chicks in a 5x10 coop with a heat lamp if they want it, coop is also inside the garage as of right now due to colder temps in Maine. I clean their water and feeder daily, and have changed bedding twice this week. I give electrolytes in their water supply as well.
Did the chicks come from a breeder, feed store, hatchery, or did you hatch eggs? They may be showing signs of a respiratory disease, such as infectious bronchitis or mycoplasma (MG.) Those come from other birds who are carrier, and MG can sometimes be passed through the hatching eggs from a carrier. If you can get Tylosin for the water to treat for MG, that might help. Infectious bronchitis is a virus that lasts about an month. Also make sure to keep bedding dry as possible, changing it out often son there is no mold or ammonia odor from poops. Here is where to buy Tylosin:
Did the chicks come from a breeder, feed store, hatchery, or did you hatch eggs? They may be showing signs of a respiratory disease, such as infectious bronchitis or mycoplasma (MG.) Those come from other birds who are carrier, and MG can sometimes be passed through the hatching eggs from a carrier. If you can get Tylosin for the water to treat for MG, that might help. Infectious bronchitis is a virus that lasts about an month. Also make sure to keep bedding dry as possible, changing it out often son there is no mold or ammonia odor from poops. Here is where to buy Tylosin:
We (unfortunately) did get them from tractor supply. We live in a small town and there’s not many options around:( if it’s MG or bronchitis, is it going to be fatal? They seem active and drinking/eating as normal. Maybe huddling under the heat a bit more than usual, i did turn it up a couple degrees just now. They also have fresh bedding and clean food and water. I’m just so worried of losing them. Is there something I could be doing to make them feel better while I wait for the tylosin to be delivered? I read about all natural honey and minced garlic, is this safe for young chicks if dissolved in water?

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