In the Brooder
- Apr 22, 2024
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I have 5 baby chicks that are about 2 weeks old, 2 of them are buff orpingtons and the other 3 are jersey giants. Two days ago one of them started showing signs of sickness, she was not eating and then she started drooping her wings. I know their brooder is not too hot they have plenty of room to escape the heat and are sleeping comftorably in all different places under and around the lamp. We where worried about cocci and purchased corid (in 20% powder form) but did not use it immediately out of fear for it being bad for them if they didnt have cocci. The next day she started eating again but her wings where drooping even more and by the evening they where all doing it. I saw a thread on here saying corid wont hurt them they dont have cocci even though I suspect they do as when I was holding the one who was initially sick she had diarrhea three times in a row. I cleaned and sanitized their brooder and feeder/waterer then started corid treatment (1/2 tsp per gallon) that was last night and this morning I didnt see them drooping their wings as much except for when they are laying down (however the one who initially causes concerned has still been doing it). The only other symptom they have had is sneezing which really only started today. This is my first time owning chicks and i've done as much research as I can but feel somewhat lost does anyone know what could be wrong or if I should just continue cocci treatment?
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