Sick duck


13 Years
Jan 26, 2012
I posted a week ago thinking my duck had lead poisoning, turns out, I think it's zinc. I lost two, now I have one more recovering. She is improving, but not eating. I give her peas when I put her in the bathtub, but she doesn't eat much. Any suggestions on food that a duck cannot refuse?
I posted a week ago thinking my duck had lead poisoning, turns out, I think it's zinc. I lost two, now I have one more recovering. She is improving, but not eating. I give her peas when I put her in the bathtub, but she doesn't eat much. Any suggestions on food that a duck cannot refuse?
Tube feeding will keep her alive if she won’t eat anything. What is the story about why you think she has zinc poisoning?
After we had a devastating mink attack, my husband built the super Max duck pen. Completely surrounded with galvanized hardware cloth. I think it might be corroding. Paralysis, weakness and bright green diarrhea. We thought they'd gotten into something else, so we locked them up in the pen, than this one got sick. I put down heavy duty tarp and straw till the weather improves and we can tear it up. They've all been fine since. Where do I get a syring? Feed store?
I got my 60 ml syringe from Amazon

The syringe is great, But the red tubing was too flimsy so I switched to this kind of tubing

I cut it down to 18 inches and carefully softened the end using a lighter to slightly melt

I also mark it at 6 inches so I don’t push it in to little or too far
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