Heidis Happy Hens
In the Brooder
I have a 2 year old Buff Orpington hen who has seemed sickly for a couple of months and is really getting picked on. She stopped sleeping on a roosting bar, and instead sleeps on the floor of the henhouse every night. She will go out to the run each day and seems to eat and drink ok, and loves a treat now and then. But she mostly lays down in corners and behind things, and even when I toss treats out for the flock, she'll walk toward it and then lay down to peck around her. Her comb is pale, and she is missing feathers on the back of her neck, presumably from the pecking. She also keeps her tail feathers tucked. I've checked her for mites, lumps, bumps... and her vent looks fine and her poop is normal. She will sit on my lap and peck at syringes of electrolytes and seems to like it but I don't see improvement. I've also given her B12. I'm stumped. Now she is isolated because she was literally getting violently stomped on by a group of hens yesterday. Any ideas what this is? She had a buddy that started sleeping on the floor with her. That hen slept on the roosting bar last night, but I noticed this morning that she was laying around and had her tail feathers tucked... oye.