Sick or Allergies? Edited I really need help it’s gotten really bad!!!

If you are up to it, and it's no shame if you aren't, you could perform a do-it-youself necropsy and look inside her to see what might have killed her. Two things might be obvious to an untrained person. One would be a soup of small pea-size tumors floating in her abdominal cavity. This would indicate EYP or internal laying. There may be full size eggs floating there that appear to be cooked.
Is she starting to molt?
You mention that last year she also looked swollen, could be something to do with molt or the time of year if she was swollen around this time last year? Maybe an irritant or something blooming that she may be sensitive to.
Allergies... or possibly got into a toxic plant?
Allergies... or possibly got into a toxic plant?
There are plants that mimic each other. Check vegetation for berries. There's a toxic plant that mimics elderberries. Can't remember the name at the moment. Dark purple berries about the size of a chick pea.
There are plants that mimic each other. Check vegetation for berries. There's a toxic plant that mimics elderberries. Can't remember the name at the moment. Dark purple berries about the size of a chick pea.
I think they are called chokeberries

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