Sick Peachick


13 Years
Mar 1, 2010
E. Central, MN
Chick quivers and shivers and has diarrhea. Several days of Corrid with no results. I brought her in and gave her 1/10 ml Valbenzen oral. She is in a tub with 40W lamp, chick starter(non med) and water.
After the squirt of wormer, she passed a normal feces but is content to lie under lamp, on a towel, so poo can be monitored. She has been out on lawn in small pen on hot days. Is there something further I need to do to or for her?
What Corid dosage are you using? How old is the chick?

You may need to use something stronger than Corid, such as Albon.
I use 5ml gallon for Corrid. Chick is nearly 2 months. She stopped with diarrhea after the wormer. I gave all chicks scrambles laced with wormer. No more messy poo from any. Will continue wormer for 5 days then repeat in 10.
That must be the liquid Corid, right? The proper dosage for liquid Corid is 2 teaspoons per gallon for the first five days, and then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for the following two weeks. 5 mls is a little less than one teaspoon, so you've been giving about half the correct dose. I would bump that up to the correct dose to be safe, in case it wasn't worms.
Not to alarm you but be extra careful at 6-8 weeks. In fact, if I were you I'd go ahead and get your hands on some Albon just to be safe, as I'm told Corid (Amprolium) isn't strong enough against Coccy once it has set in. I lost two babies at 8 weeks a year ago. They died in 4 days from 1st sign to mortality. Stupid vet says it was worms alone, he's supposed to be an avian vet and I would've like to have had better results considering the $500 I sent him so he could eat well. GRRRR> Oh well what's done is done, and it's a lesson I hope to pass to you. KSKingBee recommended dosage of Albon at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks of age as a Coccy preventative.
Actually, I give Sulfadimethoxine for five days every two weeks from the time they hit the ground at four to six weeks of age. This year I am also giving metronidazole in the water once per week as a preventive for BH. I do monthly fecal exams on the pens to monitor the development of cocci and worms.

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