Sick Rooster. His behavior is different, not crowing, and puffed up with neck sunken in. (Pictures)


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024

I let my flock out to free range today which they often do but noticed my Rooster (1y/o) seems sick and I say this because he hasn't crowed all day and that is not typical along with his behavior being sluggish and keeping to himself and not really guiding his ladies or making sounds for a treat. I have since separated him from the rest of the flock since he doesn't seem like himself.

I thought it may be an impacted crop...I gave him olive oil and massaged the crop which made it not as hard and more squishy. Is there anything else I can do? And do any of you have any guidance on what could be happening? I would be devastated to lose him.

(Today: all puffed up etc)


Normal (week ago)
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I believe that article will not only help you diagnose his problem, but also give you tips on how to treat it once you identify it. If you need additional help or have questions, you can tag the author like I did by typing her name with the "@" symbol first and no space in between. Good luck!
I believe that article will not only help you diagnose his problem, but also give you tips on how to treat it once you identify it. If you need additional help or have questions, you can tag the author like I did by typing her name with the "@" symbol first and no space in between. Good luck!
Thanks! I did read the article before posting but wanted others opinions on if impacted crop seemed like the most likely diagnosis too.
Definitely check his crop in the morning before you give him food and water. If it's full in the morning, then you'll have confirmed he has a crop disorder.

He does look and act sick. But it could be from something other than a crop issue. It would help to know your location so we can judge if your weather could be contributing in some way, including wet weather causing a bloom of coccidia.

If you have a vet, I strongly suggest taking them a sample of his poop to run a fecal float test to see if he has coccidiosis or worms. It's quick and easy and inexpensive.
Definitely check his crop in the morning before you give him food and water. If it's full in the morning, then you'll have confirmed he has a crop disorder.

He does look and act sick. But it could be from something other than a crop issue. It would help to know your location so we can judge if your weather could be contributing in some way, including wet weather causing a bloom of coccidia.

If you have a vet, I strongly suggest taking them a sample of his poop to run a fecal float test to see if he has coccidiosis or worms. It's quick and easy and inexpensive.
I will check in the morning. So far tonight he has pooped a little bit and it's dark black and looks hard.

I am located in Augusta, Ga. The past week the weather has been great and then today some overcast.

I'm not sure of any vets in my area that see chickens. 😞 I will try looking.

I also bought yogurt and Monistat tonight and can try giving that to him in the morning. I'm really hoping for a success.

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