Sick Rooster. His behavior is different, not crowing, and puffed up with neck sunken in. (Pictures)

The vet doesn't need to see the chicken. The vet doesn't need to know even one thing about chickens. All they need to do is to run the poop test which is the same test no matter if the animal the poop came from was a horse, a cow, a cat, or a chicken.

I have my vet, who used to see my cat for the twenty years he was alive, run poop tests after I assure him I assume responsibility for treatment. The test will show if there is a high enough number of coccida or worm oocytes to cause illness. Then you will know exactly what to treat your rooster for.
Took him to the vet today and basically they told me he's too far gone and lost too much weight. They also wouldn't test poop. I am still going to try to massage his crop to see if more will come out...they said he's likely not going to make it. I'm very sad as he is the nicest rooster I've ever been around.

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