Sick turkey hens


9 Years
Mar 4, 2015
saraland alabama
This hen and another are a flock of 8 in a pen all eating and drinking same food and waterers. The other 6 are fine showing no issues they were all fine this morning when I left for work get home this evening this ones laying like this the other is droopy winged and puffed up but walking and pecking. These birds are 9 months old. Any ideas what to look for?


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This hen and another are a flock of 8 in a pen all eating and drinking same food and waterers. The other 6 are fine showing no issues they were all fine this morning when I left for work get home this evening this ones laying like this the other is droopy winged and puffed up but walking and pecking. These birds are 9 months old. Any ideas what to look for?
Try treating for coccidiosis with Corid.
I think I found it .1 cc per pound I’m shooting em straight in the beak with water added in syringe. I usually wouldn’t freak to much but ones my little girls pet and I just spent 125.00 on a gallon of liquid corid that’s all they had.

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