Silkie bath day hilarity- Now with pink and blue Silkies

How cute they are!!! And I love the name "Thor", it suits him
today is Silkie Dye Day, PigPen will be purple (trying for a nice deep purple to make her head look less disgusting looking when she rubs it into things) and my little Twistie will be bright blue. My kids are very excited.
Yep, Thor is my daughters stuffed pet. He's really not huge though, he just has that much fluff! LOL. I'm working on uploading pics of the two dyed chickens (I would never, ever dye Thor, he's being shown this year) here soon. Their color ended up much lighter than intended so I'm going to redo them.
Pigpen turned out to be cotton candy pink and blue, a little yuppie tye dye style. I was going for a deep purple so will be doing her again.



Pigpen and Twistie. I like the color Twistie turned out, though it reminds me a bit of the dyed water at the mini golf place.


282469_10150273002474795_513679794_7571213_7029089_n.jpg that you????? It's me from FiSH! We are everywhere, lol.

Love the Silkies...I did not realize they got that big...your roo looks huge with daughter.
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