Silkie chick that mom doesn’t want

Farm Party-4-2

In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2022
Hey yall. I found one baby silkie chick away from the nest. I tried to put her back with mom, but she wanted nothing to do with it. She is still laying on several other eggs that haven’t hatched. Any ideas or advice please?


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I don't have silkies, but last fall I did have an EE hen go broody. She was having a hard time hatching out eggs so I had put some in the incubator for her. At first, she wanted nothing to do with them - she would puff up and peck them. So I separated the hen from the chicks with some wire mesh for about 15 minutes (while I supervised) and sprinkled some chick starter right by the mesh. After about 5ish minutes she started clucking to show the chicks food.
At that point I had removed the barrier and she started to mother them.
Now I have 3 roosters just because she wanted to be a mom... :rolleyes:

otherwise some might suggest sneaking the chick in there at night while she is asleep. I have only had that work 50/50.

Some hens just like to sit on eggs and want nothing to do with chicks once they hatch.
You may have to get her a new little brooder if the hen doesn't take to the chick. Check up on the chick to make sure the hen doesn't harm her..
Are the rest of the eggs good and due to hatch today? I'd just keep the little one warm and put it back when the rest hatch. It shouldn't be hungry already but you could try give it a sip of water and a few small grains of starter.
Thank you everyone. She had several eggs still under her, but none have hatched. I have three other broody hens. Maybe sneaking under one of them or wait on the other chicks to hatch and try again
Update. Four total have hatched and were found several feet away from her nest. I’ve had the roo with her and I believe he is the one kicking them out. I’m separating the roo today and will attempt to place the babies back under mom while she is sleeping tonight. Any other ideas?


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Update. Four total have hatched and were found several feet away from her nest. I’ve had the roo with her and I believe he is the one kicking them out. I’m separating the roo today and will attempt to place the babies back under mom while she is sleeping tonight. Any other ideas?
After removing the rooster, you could try putting the chicks back without waiting for night.

Either it works or it doesn't, so watch to see what happens. But if it does work, you have the whole matter settled sooner.

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