Silkie chick with wonky leg - any way to fix?

Feb 9, 2021
Hello everyone, recently I hatched out four baby silkies/sizzles. One of them needed assistance during hatching, and the chick hatched out very late, more than 24 hours after making a pip. When it first hatched out it could only lie in its back, writhing, because its neck was bent and toes were curled. Eventually after being given a bunch if food with the needed vitamins to fix this (barley, nutritional yeast, water with vitamins and other stuff) it got much better, and could join the other three chicks. I fixed the curled toes on one of it's feet, but the other one still has them. The leg is with curled toes is also sorta protruding out from where its supposed to be, and because of this (and the still slightly bent neck and curled toes) the chick walks oddly. Could someone please tell me, can the leg somehow be fixed into a normal position? Sorry if I explained the situation badly, I attached some pictures that should show the problem clearer.


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I can't tell really if it qualifies as splayed/sprattled legs or leg or if it could be something else wrong with the leg. You could try binding its legs with VetWrap or a bandaid to see if that would align its legs correctly. Here's a good article about it.

I would also just feed them their starter/grower crumbles and Poultry Cell water every other day.

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