Silkie ID help


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2024
Hi everyone
Here are some updated pictures of the silkies from my early December post. The birds are 16-19 weeks old. The partridge (black and bronze) I have no idea (first two photos) but wondering if maybe it’s a pullet, the white and black splash (3rd and fourth picture) I am not sure but leaning roo, the white and partridge splash I’m thinking roo also as it has a wavy redish comb coming in. Thoughts would be great!
Happy New Year!


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There looks to be streamers on all of them. The white and the whitish buff one look to be boys. I’d watch the partridge one, even though the comb is small Id say he is also a boy.
There looks to be streamers on all of them. The white and the whitish buff one look to be boys. I’d watch the partridge one, even though the comb is small Id say he is also a boy.
Thank you. Yes there does seem to be streamers on all 3. Deep down that’s the feeling I have two. That all three are boys, wishful thinking the partridge may be a girl due to the smaller
I'm thinking all 3 are cockerels as well, the partridge doesn't have a large comb but the deeper mahogany on it's shoulders points to it being a male. Same for the third silkie, it has suspicious leakage as well.
I'm thinking all 3 are cockerels as well, the partridge doesn't have a large comb but the deeper mahogany on it's shoulders points to it being a male. Same for the third silkie, it has suspicious leakage as well.
Thank you. I agree and I actually just witnessed the partridge roo crowing so it’s a roo for sure. Haven’t heard anything from the other two but their combs and streamers definitely have me leaning towards Roos
Thank you. I agree and I actually just witnessed the partridge roo crowing so it’s a roo for sure. Haven’t heard anything from the other two but their combs and streamers definitely have me leaning towards Roos
Baby silkie crows are so cute!

Are you able to keep any boys?
Baby silkie crows are so cute!

Are you able to keep any boys?
It was very cute. All three are so adorable. We can have roosters no problem, actually the coop they are in is quickly turning into a rooster coop as it’s got more Roos than hens right now, as the young ones are maturing and we are figuring out sexes. They are in with some bantam chickens, 3 other Roos and 4 hens I’m going to see how it goes as they get older and hope we can get enough hens in the future to keep everyone happy. I’ve also considered just making it a rooster coop and moving out the hens but then I’m not sure I could let them free range with my other coop of 1 rooster and layers…we will see how it goes.
It was very cute. All three are so adorable. We can have roosters no problem, actually the coop they are in is quickly turning into a rooster coop as it’s got more Roos than hens right now, as the young ones are maturing and we are figuring out sexes. They are in with some bantam chickens, 3 other Roos and 4 hens I’m going to see how it goes as they get older and hope we can get enough hens in the future to keep everyone happy. I’ve also considered just making it a rooster coop and moving out the hens but then I’m not sure I could let them free range with my other coop of 1 rooster and layers…we will see how it goes.
I have multiple coops and pens, several of my boys do well together in little bachelor flocks. I like to move my young pullets out away from the cockerels as they start to mature, it keeps the drama and stress level down for the girls.

I haven't been letting multiple rooster +hen flocks out together, but I did have a flock of all laying hens that I would let out at the same time as my breeding flock. Each flock went opposite directions so it was never a problem. But now my layers have a rooster with them as well and when I let them out he makes a bee line for the breeding coops :lau
I have multiple coops and pens, several of my boys do well together in little bachelor flocks. I like to move my young pullets out away from the cockerels as they start to mature, it keeps the drama and stress level down for the girls.

I haven't been letting multiple rooster +hen flocks out together, but I did have a flock of all laying hens that I would let out at the same time as my breeding flock. Each flock went opposite directions so it was never a problem. But now my layers have a rooster with them as well and when I let them out he makes a bee line for the breeding coops :lau
lol oh man, chicken personalities and managing flocks is always an adventure. Thanks for this gives me some ideas to think on as my boys really want to keep the 3 Roos
lol oh man, chicken personalities and managing flocks is always an adventure. Thanks for this gives me some ideas to think on as my boys really want to keep the 3 Roos
I have somewhere around 15 boys right now, maybe more. Some are specifically for breeding and others are just too cute and sweet so they are kept around as pets. It's fun to see all their little personalities and quirks. I have a father / son duo that look, act, and sound just alike, it's so adorable. The amazing thing is that to date, all these boys I've kept are good to be around, I can do what I need to do and none of them are aggressive. Well, I have one that does really hard love bites, but that's a whole nother story :lau once he gets a good hard bite in on your skin (clothes just don't cut it, it must be a skin bite) then he's this little doll that just wants to be held and be petted.

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