Silkies and wattles...Do I have a roo?

wouldn't go by tail either cause i have a silkie rooster here who has a rounded tail, I would either wait for an egg or a crow.
She is around 10 months old in the pic but about 14months or so now..My DH brought her home for my neice..I was holding on to her to let her grow a bit and fell in love..
crooked beak and all..

She is my only (hatchery) silky and I love her she will always have a home in the silkie shack...
Normally, a pullet won't have red combs or waddles until atleast a year old if it ever does. Since it's turning red, it's a cockerel. ine was only 13 weeks when he changed. He was attacked by the other hens so his head is still healing in this picture
Please help! I have 2 silkies that the breeder assured me were girls at 5-6 weeks old. They are now about 15-16 weeks old and I swear I heard one make a sound that was suspiciously like a crow. Do I have Roos??
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The tail would be more rounded if it were a hen too. His tail feathers are angular. I'm no pro, but of my seven by that age I saw clear differences like this.
Ok so now I'm really confused. Some say they can have wattles and Combs etc now I see fluffy round tails☑️ idk what I have. Help!!
Ok before you get rid of her..... This is a pic of my hen and yes I said hen..This is my 1st silkie ever I thought she was a he and had her all packed to go to the farm swap and in the morning found an egg..Yep an egg!!!
Ok thank goodness. One in my favor.
Ok before you get rid of her..... This is a pic of my hen and yes I said hen..This is my 1st silkie ever I thought she was a he and had her all packed to go to the farm swap and in the morning found an egg..Yep an egg!!!


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