Silkies dropping like flies - please help 😭


Apr 17, 2023
Greensboro, NC
I am majorly struggling. I purchased eggs from someone I follow and just love her birds. They were shipped to me. 16 eggs total, 6 ended up hatching. One was a dream chick for me and was a little showgirl that I adored. I put them with naked necks that I purchased that were the same age.

I quickly realized my big red barn brooder was too small after a few days and decided to put them in my larger brooder area I have. I use heat lamps because I prefer them over heat plates. My brooders are big enough to have toasty warm and cool areas.

The silkies were getting pushed around by the naked necks so I decided to just split them up and put them back in the other brooder alone where they could just chill out.

We had a super bad storm blow through where we lost power twice and had to scramble to get their heat back on with our generator, but they weren’t without heat for that long.

After this we just started loosing them one by one. They were 8 days old when they started dying. They seem like they just got super weak, fall over, can’t really walk and when they fall over they can’t right themselves. I’m down to 3 silkie chicks and I think one will die tonight.

They are getting 20% Kalmbach Flock Maker crumbles that I smashed up to be even easier for them to eat. I put some vitamins in their drinking water today, I syringe watered (very carefully) the one I think that’s going to die a tiny bit of yolk and some vitamin water.

They have all also had terrible pasty butt this entire time that I constantly tend to with a wet Qtip.

What am I doing wrong? Did I stress them out and it caused them all to just start dying one after the other? Is it the wrong food? Should I have had vitamins in their water from the get go? Do shipped eggs hatch weak chicks?

I raised 3 silkie chicks before and they were all fine so I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’ve also hatched so many chicks and never loose them like this. I am devastated and feel like a failure. My little showgirl silkie was the first to die.

Please send advice 😭
I am majorly struggling. I purchased eggs from someone I follow and just love her birds. They were shipped to me. 16 eggs total, 6 ended up hatching. One was a dream chick for me and was a little showgirl that I adored. I put them with naked necks that I purchased that were the same age.

I quickly realized my big red barn brooder was too small after a few days and decided to put them in my larger brooder area I have. I use heat lamps because I prefer them over heat plates. My brooders are big enough to have toasty warm and cool areas.

The silkies were getting pushed around by the naked necks so I decided to just split them up and put them back in the other brooder alone where they could just chill out.

We had a super bad storm blow through where we lost power twice and had to scramble to get their heat back on with our generator, but they weren’t without heat for that long.

After this we just started loosing them one by one. They were 8 days old when they started dying. They seem like they just got super weak, fall over, can’t really walk and when they fall over they can’t right themselves. I’m down to 3 silkie chicks and I think one will die tonight.

They are getting 20% Kalmbach Flock Maker crumbles that I smashed up to be even easier for them to eat. I put some vitamins in their drinking water today, I syringe watered (very carefully) the one I think that’s going to die a tiny bit of yolk and some vitamin water.

They have all also had terrible pasty butt this entire time that I constantly tend to with a wet Qtip.

What am I doing wrong? Did I stress them out and it caused them all to just start dying one after the other? Is it the wrong food? Should I have had vitamins in their water from the get go? Do shipped eggs hatch weak chicks?

I raised 3 silkie chicks before and they were all fine so I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’ve also hatched so many chicks and never loose them like this. I am devastated and feel like a failure. My little showgirl silkie was the first to die.

Please send advice 😭
I am so sorry, that is absolutely heartbreaking. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Do they huddle under the heat lamp or avoid it? Or are they moving freely around? I have only used a heat pad for quite some time now but as long as they can stay warm without getting too hot with the lamp that shouldn’t be an issue.

If they started dying after being separated from your other chicks, maybe putting them back or at least putting them in sight of the other chicks may help? How old are the naked necks? Sometimes when I have slightly bigger chicks I see them cuddling and being protective of the smaller weaker chicks. They also teach the other chicks how to eat and drink, etc. Im guessing that wasn’t happening for you, which is sad. But maybe they were helping the little ones in some way? Sorry I don’t have any great ideas but I hope you can save your remaining chicks. I know how expensive shipped eggs are and how heartbreaking it is to lose them!
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I appreciate your reply and suggestions ♥️ one of the chicks left is doing amazing. It’s eating, drinking, scratching, doing all the little chick things so I know the other two should be following suit. They bounce around in the temperature spots but don’t look uncomfortable in the least bit. The naked necks are probably 2-2.5 weeks old at this point with the silkies being a few days behind them. I hatched the silkies on March 8th and I know the naked necks were hatched earlier that week.
What does their poop look like? I am wondering if they might have coccidiosis. Do you have corrid on hand?

I agree, it sounds like your setup is fine as is their feed (I feed the same feed to my own flock, only in pellet form). Pictures would still be helpful anyways
I do have corrid and could definitely give them some if you think it would help. Their poop is normal looking, but very wet and sticks to their butt feathers. I’ve tried putting Vaseline and olive oil after cleaning to prevent it with no luck in it helping.

Here are some pictures of their setup. You can see all my chicken supplies I have been using 😭
I do have corrid and could definitely give them some if you think it would help. Their poop is normal looking, but very wet and sticks to their butt feathers. I’ve tried putting Vaseline and olive oil after cleaning to prevent it with no luck in it helping.

Here are some pictures of their setup. You can see all my chicken supplies I have been using 😭View attachment 4077399View attachment 4077400View attachment 4077401
Poop does indeed look normal
Imma tag @Eggcessive to see if they have any ideas
I would raise that heat lamp up a couple of inches as they aren't under it, and their wings are out. They're overheated, and that's causing pasty butt.

I'd get a thermometer and put it directly below the heat lamp. That should be 90F there (for 8 day old chicks).
Glad you saw this and were able to realize that Debbie! Since I haven’t used heat lamps in forever I wasn’t quite sure if that was normal. Makes sense about the pasty butt too.

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