Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 799 96.0%
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    Votes: 97 11.7%

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According to the rules here it should be okay after 7:30am. Hopefully the blackout will work
I know its not the same, but Minnie doesn't crow until 8:30-9.. when the sun finally comes over the house and hits the coop. So hopefully the blackout will work. Don't know if I'm going to keep a roo yet, but hoping they'll sleep in too.
Miracle in the coop!!

Not only is Elsa NOT being a bully, her and Esmeralda were gently preening each others faces!!

I also found one of Esmeralda's eggs in a nest box 2 days in a row.. And today, i spied on her actually walking back into the coop all by herself!!

Then, as I was standing on the outside of the run, Esmeralda tried to squeeze along the hardware cloth as close to me as possible, and laid an egg!!

It is quiet and everyone is getting along!!


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