Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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My silkie hen keeps mouth breathing when she is in the house during the night. She has to be inside because she is still being quarantined. I think it is do to stress. Any other opinions?

I think she's hot. They breathe through their mouth and eventually full on pant depending on how hot.

That's why when Molly was inside, I kept her in the back bedroom which is in the 50s. It had regularly been high 50s to 30° lows at night so she wasn't too hot. Living room is around 65° and she was panting in there when I held her.
Older hen, around 7 years old. She started acting off (all hunched up) last night and today she was rather muddy. I cut her big crest off entirely so she can see fully and put her with Molly. She's one who wets it so it falls in a clump in front of her face.

She settled down within a few minutes and is eating so I'm thinking maybe the boys were harassing her too much. She's a bit underweight, but not worrisome. I think the calmness is good. She's just surprised she can see now.

I love Silkies so much, gorgeous and kind. But i will never be getting them again, heres why.

Horrible immune system. Keep in mind i have overall bad luck when it comes to the health of chickens but all my silkies just die and its really heart breaking.

Getting bullied. Again, heartbreaking for me that they get picked on so much so its really best if i don’t get them again.

I still love them lots, but they aren’t the bird for me, i feel to bad.
I love Silkies so much, gorgeous and kind. But i will never be getting them again, heres why.

Horrible immune system. Keep in mind i have overall bad luck when it comes to the health of chickens but all my silkies just die and its really heart breaking.

Getting bullied. Again, heartbreaking for me that they get picked on so much so its really best if i don’t get them again.

I still love them lots, but they aren’t the bird for me, i feel to bad.

I keep mine separate. No bullying then.

Granted that started because the first partridge silkie rooster I had was breed aggressive and hell bent on take over the world. He'd attack anything that wasn't a silkie he saw and had the ameraucana roosters running in fear. He'd march his little flock into the large fowl pen and steal their food. I had to eventually raise his sons away from him so he wouldn't teach them that aggression.

I quarantine any new birds so disease shows up and they also have a chance to react to new bugs at my place. Other than Mareks disease, I haven't had any issues with my silkies. The ameraucana and EEs seemed to be immune to the Mareks that took out my original BBS silkies that lived with them.

I wouldn't keep the more aggressive breeds, like rocks, with silkies. They get along fine with others like polish and bantam cochin.

If you have limited space for coops, it's best to stick with like minded birds. Certain breeds just do better together. I don't worry because I have 6 pens and a small broody coop that can be used for isolation.

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