~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

Ha ha I wouldn't either. What have you been doin?

Nuffin much, just got back from town. I'm exhausted and I've still got youth group tonight
Nuffin much, just got back from town. I'm exhausted and I've still got youth group tonight
Oh sorry... Do you want another lesson? I got The Parable Of The Growing Seed And Harvest, Double Standards, Lawsuits, Being Treated Wrongly, Proverbs 27:6, and Lying. You don't have to read another, I don't care.
This goes for anyone else, too.
Oh sorry... Do you want another lesson? I got The Parable Of The Growing Seed And Harvest, Double Standards, Lawsuits, Being Treated Wrongly, Proverbs 27:6, and Lying. You don't have to read another, I don't care.
This goes for anyone else, too.

Sure! Any of them sound good :) I've gotta go now though, might be on later

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