Silver Laced English Orpingtons - Dude or Dudette?

I've only 3 chickens right now that have reached adulthood. My EE Roo (profile picture), a buff orpington, and a blue orpington. I also have a teenage group of 3 RIR, 2 EE, 1 Buff Orp (all pullets). My younger chicks are madness... I've built two brooders and a halfway coop thus far because theres roughly 30-40 of them. Included are lavender orps, EE - Orp crosses (from my adults), silkies, seramas, bantams, turkens, and more that I can't quite name lol... It's going to be an interesting year for sure.

May I ask what you have??
Oh my, you have a handful!!!! I currently have an EE, a Barred Rock, a Black Australorp, a Speckled Sussex, and a Jersey Giant. I had an Orpington in the past, and she was one of my very favorites!
Interesting to read different perspectives on Orpington comb development - one member says slower, one says faster. I have heard that they tend to crow later then other breeds if that's much help, I'm waiting on verdict on two of mine who are 7 weeks old.

Keen to see how these beauties turn out for you in the next few weeks/months.

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