Silver Laced Wyandotte - Pullet or Roo? -- June 13th- 8 WEEKS OLD- new photos

What am I?

  • Pullet

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • Cockerel

    Votes: 29 54.7%

  • Total voters
SLWs usually all have a rose comb. I guess some can have single combs too. It sounds like yours have a rose comb, which is what they should have. How old are yours? Any pictures?

So, if the top part is wide and dark pinkish or red their roos? If that's the case all 4 of mine are roos..Guess I'd better get some pictures on here and see what you all think....sigh...and the SLWs are the friendliest of my 8. 4 others being Australorps...I take one of them out and he/she rests on my chest and sometimes almost falls asleep with me petting/scratching him/her...
I'd wait till they are at least 2 months to be sure. I have seen several pullets that were guessed to be roos based on comb color alone... SO, wait. If wattles start appearing as well, then you know what you have. This is Veena, She's 2 months here... Red comb, but NO WATTLES. She didn't develop any until she hit about 4 months. If she'd gotten them earlier, I would have thought she was a boy. SO, if there is even any hint of wattle now at 5-6 weeks... you have a boy.
Again, I'm no expert, but my golden-laced wyandottes had visible small wattles at 5 weeks and reasonably good-sized wattles by 9 weeks. They're pretty clearly hens still at 15+ weeks. My barred rocks on the other hand had just a trace of wattle at 9-10 weeks. I can't imagine that golden-laced are much different than silver-laced, and I'm wondering if maybe Wyandottes grow those wattles in faster? My GLW's combs are very flat and only slightly pink, but those wattles came in really early.
Thank you, Everyone, for the pictures and insight. PLEASE, keep your pictures (i love the pictures!) and opinions coming.
I've been looking in the brooder every hour to see if he/she has changed.
But really, I like looking even if she/he hasn't changed.

I'm questioning the sex on my buff orpington now, too.

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