Six month old rooster with wry neck


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
Yesterday I noticed our rooster walking around with his head tilted to one side. He is the same today, no worse as far as I can tell. There are some moments when it almost looks as though his head and neck will straighten, but it does not last long. He eats and drinks just fine, still walks and runs about their area, and does not seem to have issues with balance, nor have I seen him walking in circles. No other chickens seem to be exhibiting symptoms. I don't think it has been going on much longer than just yesterday, but it is possible that it has and I just did not notice.

The chickens are usually free range, getting locked up at night, but due to predator issues they have been confined to their pen for two weeks or so, give or take. Yesterday was their first day back out. Two days ago, I did notice him being aggressively chased from the water and possibly beat on. I am wondering if this could be an injury? And if so, will it likely correct itself? If not an injury, what else might it be? I know some illnesses can cause that symptom, but since he otherwise is doing well, I am not sure how likely that is. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you!
Wry neck is just a neurological symptom, and can be seen with a head or neck injury, vitamin E or B1 (thiamine) deficiency, and is seen sometimes in Mareks disease and a few others. Some birds are genetically prone to wry neck. Most treat it with vitamin E 400 IU, some vitamin B1, and a little cooked egg for selenium. Since they were cooped up for teo weeks, and he was bullied, that may be the answer. But at 6 months old, he is at the age when Mareks can show up. Also stress can bring out symptoms. Each bird with wry neck symptoms will be different, and it is hard to tell if and when it will go away. Try to keep him where there is little stress, perhaps in a wire dog crate with food and water next to the other chickens.
Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will give them a try :) So far he seems the same today, but I haven't let the out yet for the day, so I haven't seen how well he is actually getting around yet.

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