Sleepy weak chick

You can safely merge chicks under four weeks. After that they are more likely to reject or bully younger chicks or strange chicks.

Try sugar in the water you give the two chicks. It will combat the weakness of this chick. Also, Poultry Nutri-drench is designed to boost such a weak chick. It can be put into the water for the first week.
You can safely merge chicks under four weeks. After that they are more likely to reject or bully younger chicks or strange chicks.

Try sugar in the water you give the two chicks. It will combat the weakness of this chick. Also, Poultry Nutri-drench is designed to boost such a weak chick. It can be put into the water for the first week.
Ok thank you!

The chick seems to have perked up a little. It just ate some food on its own although i did bring it out of the brooder. It then went back in and drank about 10 dips of its beak in the water.
Ok thank you!

The chick seems to have perked up a little. It just ate some food on its own although i did bring it out of the brooder. It then went back in and drank about 10 dips of its beak in the water.
In the future I've had some great success with getting grogel and keeping it on hand for babies/chicks that aren't doing very well. It's bright green when you add water so they get really interested in it usually.

Glad they are doing better from the sounds of it!
She(well i hope) is doing a lot better. She is eating a little on her own if i keep the other away for a few minutes. Snd she came out on her own to walk around and drink!
The other chick seems to be picking on her a bit. So i may seperate them for a few days with a divider.

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