28 Chicks arrived this afternoon (shipped yesterday afternoon, all happy and healthy). Their distribution in the brooder area is a little odd and I wanted to get someone's take on it. I have 2x 250 watt heat lamps. It's a lot, but they're in an unheated metal pole building that can get cool at night. I have them in this smaller area just while they get settled in (we have another 20 coming probably tomorrow) and then I intend to give them access to the entire trailer area. They seem to be congregating between the 2 lamps, but not in the hot part of either. There's a cooler area towards the back of the brooder that nobody seems to be hanging out in. All are active and eating and drinking happily, not a whole lot of peeping. Should I lift one of the lights to give them a larger cool area? I don't want to cook anyone, but I want to be sure they're able to stay cozy at night.