'Slime' in beak


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2018
So I checked on my chicken and she was fine in the morning. Later on in the day I see that she has what looks like clear slime in her mouth. She eats and drinks normal. Her crop feels normal. So I let her be. The next day (today) I check on her again and she still has the slime in her mouth but doesn't eat or drink. I see that she wants to , but her body won't let her. Any help ? How can I help her ?
Greetings Angie123,

Chickens can regurgitate water and they salivate too. She may be salivating, and this is the slime that you see. If you could upload a photo of her poop the members of BYC, would have more to go on. As, the chicken's droppings can be a clue to what is ailing them. A photo of your chicken and the slime in her mouth would also be helpful.

You describe her crop as feeling "normal". Since she is not eating, do you mean it is flat/empty? Did you check it first thing in the morning? Did you smell her mouth for any foul odor? A normal functioning crop, is empty in the morning, and has food in it in the evening.

You should do an exam that includes other parts of the body, as well. Sometimes there are several things contributing to a chicken's illness.

Examine the following things:
  • What do the poops look like? Watery or mucousy? What color?

  • Feel the crop in the morning, is it hard or squishy with a bad smell?
  • Look under the feet, make sure there are no sores or cuts.
  • Look at the legs, are they smooth? Are the scales lifting?
  • Feel under her belly, check for blisters or swelling.

  • Look for mites and lice under the feathers, neck, under wings, vent area.

  • Look under the wings, check for lumps or sores.

  • Check the chicken's vent, is it clean and pink? Nothing hanging out?

  • Listen to the breathing, do you hear any rattle noise?

  • Look at her nostrils, any discharge or bubbles coming out?

  • Look at her ear tuft feathers, do you see any discharge or crustiness on the ear feathers?

  • Look at the eyes, are they bright, clear and round? Iris and pupils look normal?

  • Look at the comb and wattles, are there any scabs or growths? How is the color?

  • If the chicken is a hen and you have a rooster, does she have any feathers missing on her her back?

  • Are there any cuts or bleeding from the rooster's toe nails/spurs?
Let us know what you find.

God Bless :)
Greetings Angie123,

Chickens can regurgitate water and they salivate too. She may be salivating, and this is the slime that you see. If you could upload a photo of her poop the members of BYC, would have more to go on. As, the chicken's droppings can be a clue to what is ailing them. A photo of your chicken and the slime in her mouth would also be helpful.

You describe her crop as feeling "normal". Since she is not eating, do you mean it is flat/empty? Did you check it first thing in the morning? Did you smell her mouth for any foul odor? A normal functioning crop, is empty in the morning, and has food in it in the evening.

You should do an exam that includes other parts of the body, as well. Sometimes there are several things contributing to a chicken's illness.

Examine the following things:
  • What do the poops look like? Watery or mucousy? What color?

  • Feel the crop in the morning, is it hard or squishy with a bad smell?
  • Look under the feet, make sure there are no sores or cuts.
  • Look at the legs, are they smooth? Are the scales lifting?
  • Feel under her belly, check for blisters or swelling.

  • Look for mites and lice under the feathers, neck, under wings, vent area.

  • Look under the wings, check for lumps or sores.

  • Check the chicken's vent, is it clean and pink? Nothing hanging out?

  • Listen to the breathing, do you hear any rattle noise?

  • Look at her nostrils, any discharge or bubbles coming out?

  • Look at her ear tuft feathers, do you see any discharge or crustiness on the ear feathers?

  • Look at the eyes, are they bright, clear and round? Iris and pupils look normal?

  • Look at the comb and wattles, are there any scabs or growths? How is the color?

  • If the chicken is a hen and you have a rooster, does she have any feathers missing on her her back?

  • Are there any cuts or bleeding from the rooster's toe nails/spurs?
Let us know what you find.

God Bless :)
I will upload pictures soon. But for now, her crop is flat because she refuses to eat. Her poop has the same slime that's in her mouth. Everything else looks normal.
Greetings Angie123,

I would start by checking the hen's mouth.

You should restrain the hen by wrapping her in a bath towel. Then, quietly talk to the hen, while stroking her wattles, to calm her.

Gently, but firmly, open her beak and look inside her mouth. Are there any white, grey or yellowish growths? Try to also look into her throat. Growths may be causing her not to be able to swallow.

It's possible for her to have either Thrush or Canker. Thrush can cause drooling, and mucus, "slime".

Copper sulfate in the water will treat both conditions, and Nystatin oral suspension, or Miconazole Nitrate if it is Thrush/yeast infection (candidiasis), or, Metronidazole if it is Canker (trichomonosis).

Both conditions are similar in symptoms.

If you can't take her to see a vet, for what ever reason, we will do our best here at BYC, to offer suggestions.

Here are some websites to help you.

I am not a vet, just a chicken keeper like you. So, I am just suggesting a starting point, to figure out what is making your hen sick. Without photos of the poop, I think the mouth is a good place to start.

God Bless :)

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