Slipped Achilles Tendon I think

Yes she should dangle, but you have to weight her foot. There needs to be a force pulling her leg down and straight.

She's pretty big. Try an oversized take out beverage cup as the base. Once she's weighted, she shouldn't be able to hop out.

I would use pet wrap to attach a 2 or 3 ounce item to her foot. Don't hang it, it could impair circulation and cause swelling.

Maybe a large marble, a ball-bearing, a small stone. A lady I read about used the weight from her pressure cooker for a couple of days until her husband brought home a fishing weight.
Ok will do and how long do I do that for?

The lady I got her from said they were hatched last week. But as I said earlier they were off heat and have a lot of foot feathers.

They are the sane size as my week old broiler but they are bantam so I have no idea if they are older. Which means she could have been like this for longer then a week.

I will do the cup tomorrow morning with a weight on her foot.
To answer your earlier question, you can use the B complex you use yourself, about 1/4 tablet daily crushed in a little food or water. I’m not sure about weighting the foot. It can be hard to know for sure if it is a slipped tendon. There is not much success in treating them. Leg bone deformities are also common, and not treatable. Here is one link on how to put a slipped tendon back into place:
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Ok will do and how long do I do that for?

The lady I got her from said they were hatched last week. But as I said earlier they were off heat and have a lot of foot feathers.

They are the sane size as my week old broiler but they are bantam so I have no idea if they are older. Which means she could have been like this for longer then a week.

I will do the cup tomorrow morning with a weight on her foot.
I don't know and can't find a specific answer. The lady with the fishing weight said it was maybe 24-36 hours before it felt right, but after it popped back in place, she splinted it with a roll of Gauze and pet wrap.

I found a video on YouTube where they used tape and cardboard and a stretch and massage.
So I think it might not be a slipped Tendon but a tibia injury. I was looking at most humane was to cull (and crying) and then started searching chicken deformed leg and for a post on here about a chicken with an injured tibia and her chickens leg looked like mine.

I have 46 standard breeds so these are my first bantams. I was thinking To make them their own coop/run anyway so I will make one with her needs in mind. She eats and drinks and gets in find with the rest of them.

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