Slipped tendon baby chick - confirm diagnosis


Jul 18, 2022
Can someone please tell me if this looks like my chick experienced a leg injury, I’m thinking slipped tendon? Was perfectly fine this afternoon, noticed it walking like this in the evening and gave it a few hours (dinner and bedtime) and it’s noticeably worse. It was getting around better earlier but I was surprised how quickly it got worse.

This has been such a horrible year for chicks for me, I had 1 feed store buff orp die around the 24 hr mark due to mushy chick disease, hatched a chick that had leg and neck deformities, and now this lavender orp at 3 weeks is injured.

I had my hands in the brooder cleaning it out and topping off the food and they all dog piled in the corner and I noticed they were standing on her so I rescued her and saw her leg got injured. I think it got injured during the dog piling since she was fine this afternoon.

I can’t separate her until tomorrow because I used the last of my bedding cleaning the brooder when she got injured. My other brooder has leftover dust from my previous brood that already moved to the coop.
It is hard for me to see the leg, but it obviously has some sort of injury. Whether it is broken, or a ligament or tendon damage. I would try to keep her as close to the others as possible perhaps with a little screen or netting separating her from getting hurt. Make sure that she is able to get to food and water since that is how most chicks with leg problems die. You can help her eat and drink several times a day, and let her try on her own in between.
It is hard for me to see the leg, but it obviously has some sort of injury. Whether it is broken, or a ligament or tendon damage. I would try to keep her as close to the others as possible perhaps with a little screen or netting separating her from getting hurt. Make sure that she is able to get to food and water since that is how most chicks with leg problems die. You can help her eat and drink several times a day, and let her try on her own in between.
I’ve been checking in on her frequently and I’ve seen her moving around the brooder to food and water every visit, so that is encouraging. I was planning on adding nutri drench to one of the waterers in case the boost will help her heal. I’ve seen her walking on the foot like normal (limping though) and seen her scooting around on the hock using her wings for balance. I’m watching YouTube videos now to try and help her with some vet wrap. It’s intimidating though.

ETA that I was able to find her a vet appt for Friday, $145 consultation 😅 for a $6.99 chick but I feel like she deserves the chance to get better. But hoping I’ll be able to treat at home and cancel that because it’s expensive.
If she is separated, and has limited activity, I might hold off on wrapping with vet wrap, since it can slip and get too tight causing interruption of circulation. If you do wrap it check circulation often. If she has a sprain, wrapping it won’t help. Rest is the best thing.
If she is separated, and has limited activity, I might hold off on wrapping with vet wrap, since it can slip and get too tight causing interruption of circulation. If you do wrap it check circulation often. If she has a sprain, wrapping it won’t help. Rest is the best thing.
Thank you, that’s helpful. I ended up not separating her yet because she wasn’t having issues getting around or being bothered by the others. I can still separate her though if needed.
I would keep her from jumping on and off a roost.
Great idea to mention. They don’t have a roost in their brooder and she hasn’t been trying to flap up on the heat plate cone like the others because she seems to know that is a bad idea. 😂 but they’re all sleeping in the bedding together under the heat plate so she is good to go with regards to not roosting.
Just saw the vet, he thought I was insane for bringing her in lol but was very helpful regardless. She’s gotten way better already on her own just waiting for the appointment and everything is where it’s supposed to be but the joint is a little loose and he recommended vet wrap for a week to sturdy it up. Since the joint and tendon are anatomically correct I don’t have to worry about correcting tendon placement when wrapping.

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