Apr 9, 2014 #1 truebluexf Songster 8 Years Apr 26, 2011 121 2 103 I see two Roos. They are 4 weeks old.
Apr 9, 2014 Thread starter #4 truebluexf Songster 8 Years Apr 26, 2011 121 2 103 Despite the pics, these two have equally red combs. The GLW and the other SLW (that is mostly black) have combs that look more dark and yellow. Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
Despite the pics, these two have equally red combs. The GLW and the other SLW (that is mostly black) have combs that look more dark and yellow.
Apr 9, 2014 #5 Veer67 Crowing 9 Years Jul 2, 2013 3,613 183 251 Together with the flock Two definite Roos I see are the SLWs in the last pic, that is a lot of wattle and comb for 4 week olds.
Two definite Roos I see are the SLWs in the last pic, that is a lot of wattle and comb for 4 week olds.
Apr 9, 2014 Thread starter #6 truebluexf Songster 8 Years Apr 26, 2011 121 2 103 That's what I was thinking too. Big combs turning red already...
Apr 9, 2014 #7 BantamLover21 Crowing 7 Years Jul 24, 2013 23,660 1,619 426 Both are almost certainly roosters.
Apr 9, 2014 #8 Wyandottes7 Crowing 6 Years Jul 24, 2013 20,586 1,380 401 I agree with Veer67 and Bantamlover21. You seem to have at least two cockerels. Last edited: Apr 9, 2014