Small Pool Water for Goose


May 16, 2020
We have purchased a decent size rubber tub to bury in the ground for our gooses bath/pool time. We've put a drain in it and will construct a cover. Anyone have suggestions for water treatment to help keep the water longer before draining and refill?
I remember looking into some “natural” solutions for my duck’s boat. I can’t remember exactly what I tried, but it didn’t work. Straw or something, stuffed inside a piece of panty hose (seems like burlap was an option too), and hung in the water. Didn’t seem to make much difference. But there might be some that work, I’d like to know!
I have a small kiddie pool for our chicken guard goose Pooper. He’s such a sweet and cheeky boy and appropriately named. The bugger poops in it all the time! Needless to say, it’s cleaned daily. As for chemical treatments, save yourself the money and effort. But most importantly, think of how any treatments regardless of what it is, will effect the health of your birds before using.
Thanks Island Girl. I wasn't even considering anything chemical. Thank you for your input. My husband just had to put an pool in ground for our Juno, goose. She struggles to get in and out otherwise. We weren't able to find a plastic kiddie pool this year, they sold out every time we tried!

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