Small rant

I thought the letter was a waste of $ too. The census worker came while we aqere gone and left it inside my car on the seat! My husband filled out only what he thought they should know too!
Listening to Glen Beck a while back and he was talking about how the census was a waste of money and some of the questions were rediculous and not even relevant. He basically said "ok count me, but that's all you need to know". He then follows up the next day by saying he got a call from the head of whatever office it is that is incharge of the census and that the guy fell short of flat out ordering him to fill it out!

Side note: He also got auditted this year for the first time in like ever after he complained about Timothy Giethner's statement about using TurboTax because the US tax code was too hard to understand!
Yea what they said!
I didnt fill mine out once because we moved during the census time period and it was lost in the mail shuffle. Someone came to my door and brought one with them and she asked me to fill it out while she waited....

If you don't fill it out they send out people to get the information-- someone asked why they were hired...and that is the reason. The country is making an effort to get clear numbers of people, you can fill out just the minimum information if you'd like. And if you don't, Yes they will send out people repeatedly I think they said like 6 times to try to get the info and then if not, interview your neighbor... Yes. And you may ask why??
Because it's in the constitution, Yep that old piece of history making paper from the 1700's. The first census was in 1790... So if there is anyone to blame pick on Thomas Jefferson or one of those other 39 who signed it... Just fill out the minimum if you can't see that the rest of the information will be of help to the country/state/county/town you live in, but PLEASE don't make them send someone out at $15 an hour(or more?) just to follow up on your rebellious nature then costing You your tax dollars. Money that could be used to well, do something helpful, for YOU instead of wasted!
It's a thought....
was I supposed to read that thing? *orp rummages through the recycle bin*

Last year, they made me fill out a "pre-census" which was every bit as invasive as the census. I don't understand. They harassed me until I did it. Is it legal to make us fill out more census forms between official censuses? (censi? sp?)

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