Small Rouen duckling


Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
About a week ago I had three ducklings arrive from Metzer.
2 Rouens and 1 black Swedish.

One Rouen “Estella” was definitely the largest and likely older by a few days. The second Rouen “Rosebud” was smaller, and “Avis” the black Swedish being the tiniest by a smidge. All were active with good appetites on arrival.

After two days the the smaller Rouen became withdrawn and quiet and her appetite withered. By the end of the day she began breathing heavily and she had noticeable rales and an occasional squelching sound from her abdomen.
The other two ducklings have been acting completely fine.

I started them on electrolytes and vitamins, she briefly rallied for a few hours then regressed and became even worse the next day which is when I decided to start her on Tylosin on the chance that she may have caught something second hand from one of my other birds through me. One of my geese has a squeaky cough, it’s an annual thing that reappears in winter which I suspect is mycoplasma but I really don’t know for sure.

Since being on Tylosin Rosebud has gradually recovered from the rales and labored breathing and appears to be acting more normally. For the most part she’s alert, spunky, and frolicking with the others, she does tire a little more easily than the other two and her appetite still isn’t as robust as the others though, sometimes I have to put food right under her beak to get her to eat.

My other concern is that though she is still growing she’s not keeping up with the other two, Avis who was smaller has now surpassed her in size.

Has anyone seen something similar and how did it work out for the duckling?

They’re on pine shavings, so far they haven’t shown an interest in eating them. They’re fed purina flock raiser and they get B vitamin complex and Poultry Nutri-drench once daily in their water since first signs of illness in Rosebud. I’ve been monitoring their heat closely and haven’t seen signs of overheating or being chilled.

On arrival




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