Small white and orange duck ID?

Wonder why he isn't flying? Mallards are great fliers
Yeah I'm really not sure, here is another video of him

Seems he made friends with a couple local mallards as you can see he is very similar in shape and size. Makes me feel better seeing him with friends last few times he has kinda been hanging out by himself. I'm 100% positive he can't fly though there is no chance he wouldn't have flown away from me chasing him. Only thing I can think is if whoever dumped him there clipped his wings, he molted recently, or maybe if he is young and just doesn't know he can fly yet. He is EXTREMELT elusive still I'm thinking I may have to give up my efforts he is very smart and fast and there are gators in the pond but I think the tall grass he retreats into is too thick for a gator to get in. I'm gonna keep checking in on him and bringing him treats to make sure he is doing okay but based on how good he is at eluding me I think he will be fine there especially if he gets his flight. Also the pond is in a cemetery so I definitely don't want to disturb people visiting their loves ones by chasing around a duck if I don't have to.
Hopefully there aren’t many people there to harass the ducks either. We know those that are laid to rest aren’t. Scary about the gators though. Do you think this is a drake?
Hopefully there aren’t many people there to harass the ducks either. We know those that are laid to rest aren’t. Scary about the gators though. Do you think this is a drake?
Yeah definirely a drake for sure he's got a low meep not a loud quack, and no nobody is there to harass them it's right down the street from my house and I've walked my dog there regularly for years and never seen anyone harassing the wildlife, only people visiting loved ones and people walking their dogs. There are gators in there but I've only ever seen them a few times and they were small ones it is a concern but I don't think it's a huge one. I've been going for years and only ever seen 2 small ones. Honestly my biggest concern for him at this point is him breeding the wild mallards and making a bunch of white half domestic babies
I'm sure it's very improbable, but is there any possibility it's an albino mallard? He really was almost the exact same size as the mallards but rhey flew away and he seems to not be able to fly
It might be a "white" mallard. If it can't/wont fly, probably not a mallard.
Okay interesting, yeah I think all I can really do here is just visit him and keep an eye on him and maybe if I happen to get a chance with him away from the water I can try to grab him and find him a home. I'll try to keep an eye out if he flaps to see if his wings are clipped

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