Sneezing rooster


In the Brooder
Oct 24, 2020
My rooster just started sneezing yesterday, I'm afraid he's getting a cold . What should I do for him .. thank u so much for answering in advance
Chickens dont get colds, they get a specific disease.
It could be something in the environment causing your rooster to sneeze. For example; inhaling feed dust while eating, dust from dust bathing, ammonia fumes from soiled litter inside the coop, improper ventilation, mold spores, pollen, pesticide use on the lawn, excess dander inside the coop etc...
All of these examples can be corrected and/or eliminated.
Is he new or have you added any new birds to your flock in the last couple of weeks? Does he have nasal drainage, bubbles or foam in an eye, gasping, or other respiratory symptoms? Look at dust, mold or poor ventilation as possible causes. If you see others begin to sneeze, let us know.

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