So I am grossed out by my eggs.

This sounds purely psychological. You must have some stigma or notion about these eggs that makes your brain reject them.

Maybe the fact that you're intimately involved in the production process is playing a role?

I could never eat anything I raised, for other reasons. But perhaps you subconsciously find it a bit gross?

To that I say work in a bit of rational thought and exposure to your eggs. Other members mentioned it, but if you change the way you see them and use them you'll probably change how you feel about them over time.

Yeah, eating an egg covered in chicken bloom with some poo spots straight out of the warm vent of a chicken is kinda gross if you think about it... but if you also think about it, the eggs are fresher, healthier, and come from the same place the store eggs do, a chicken's butt. And to be fair, most people are not consuming the shells.

In the end you're not gonna get any eggs from thin air, and if the appearance of the egg and the notion of "sterile cleanliness" appeals to you, you could always process your eggs the same way the stores do for peace of mind.

Even if it is not anymore beneficial for you, it may make you feel better about your eggs enough to get past this stigma.
I know!!! It kills me. I read the store bought eggs can be months old by the time they reach the shelves. I can bake with them and be fine but when it comes to scrambling or literally any other way I get a few bites in and I'm grossed out. I have always been very finicky with stuff but this is just ridiculous and I know it.
salsa! Or ketchup.

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