In the last few months, about a third of my flock has developed unilateral muscle wasting followed by total paralysis of one leg. Weakness seems to come and go before becoming permanent. No cloudy eyes, no cutaneous signs. I spoke to an avian pathologist with my state who seemed 100% convinced—based on presentation and my location in an endemic zone—this is Marek's. She said they've probably had it for years, but also that heat exacerbates Marek's symptoms.
I've lost five birds in the last three months: two spontaneously and three by my own hand. At this rate, chickens (vaccinated!) are looking more imminent than ever. Until then, I'm dedicated to keeping my remaining quail comfortable.
RIP: Ruby, Maple, Lady, Peaches, Mae
I've lost five birds in the last three months: two spontaneously and three by my own hand. At this rate, chickens (vaccinated!) are looking more imminent than ever. Until then, I'm dedicated to keeping my remaining quail comfortable.
RIP: Ruby, Maple, Lady, Peaches, Mae