Some of my Art

Alrighty. The scanner was broke when I drew the first and last, so the quality isn't that great.

Here's a West Of England Tumbler pigeon. It's the pet of a friend of mine. His name is Woe (short for the breed name as well was his full name, WoeBeGone :p)

Quick picture of a Lark and Mourning dove. It was an illustration I did for my friend's poem she wrote, about a dove who loved a lark, but the lark would only sing for the other birds.

Western Kingbird and Painted Bunting.


And the last one I'll post for now is a heron. I used a Purple Heron picture as a reference, but without color it looks just like a great blue heron. The picture is almost 2 feet tall and about a foot wide.
Wow, such talent! I cannot help to admire your work, each and everyone one of you. My mother, passed away in July, did amazing art work and painted on location throughout the state of Maine. Her favorites were rocks. She never showed or said what she did to many and never sold it.
So do me a favor people, even if you don't think it turned out "just right", it will be right to someone else. Not only that, but you have to love the work before you can love the finished product.
Thanks for letting us view, I found you folks via the Cochin thread!
ooh I love the Kingbird, and RAREROO I really like the hay field it looks like my Papa's place.
I used to think all I could do was draw, then the right people told me they thought I could do it. now ta da!

If anyone else wants to show off come on in, I can never see to much art
here is one I just did, I'm going to keep if for my self. for right now I'm just useing craft paints and card stock, poster bord, or card bord.
Great quote RAREROO. So true!

GREAT artwork everyone!

Mary of Exeter - I love your bird drawings. I grew up drawing birds and the ducks on the pond behind our house.

As far as painting goes....I really enjoy painting landscapes. I'll have to take some pics of the paintings and post them eventually....I like your mountain landscape that_crazy_lady!
Thank you Caleb

Crazy_lady, love the mountain scene! Landscape paintings are so pretty. But I fail so horribly at them, LOL. So I'll leave those to you guys

I finally got my art website up. Although it's hardly even a website yet, not much on there. But in the gallery, I put thumbnails of my best out of what I had scanned onto my computer already. The link's in my sig.
I'm not too good with colored pencil so I guess we are even. I saw the sebright you did on your site, love it. I drew a pic of my first sebright rooster red. I like the typ on your better. lol

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