Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?


Very young Fayoumi mix baby forcing himself on his own mother. He was probably around a month old when this started
Watched a kid throw a pacifier/dummy on the ground where the chickens could get it. It took the chickens at least five minutes of running, pacifier in beak, chasing one another, before realizing it was inedible.

My favorite rooster swallowed a squishy earplug whole and survived.

Lesson: Try really hard not to drop ANYTHING in the velociraptor enclosure
I had one TEAR a hair tie off my wrist and swallow it. I chased her around for about 10 minutes before she swallowed it. She’s just fine though. 😃
I have found my SLW to be pretty bossy hens. They peck the other hens so they can get first dibs at food. For some reason they are my rooster's favorite hens, I will never know why.

One of my BCM hens, Copper, had gone broody a couple months ago. None of her eggs made it to hatch because, for some reason, the other hens fought for one nesting box even though we had 3 for 9 hens. So I got her 2 Lavender Wyandottes and 2 White Legbars. For some reason she didn't accept the Legbars so I have been raising them. The chicks are maybe 6 weeks old now and Copper, the mama hen, has gone broody again. She is ready for round 2, but I am not willing to have any more chicks at the moment, I still have to deal with the ones I have now. 😅
When my hen Peanutbutter flew over the 8 foot fence that could keep buffalo in, that we had just finished putting up! 😱:rant
yeah, once spent 20 minutes chasing a quail through the woods. I opened the door and she flew six feet up, and 15 feet sideways. didn't know they could do that. I caught up with her though, she spent all her energy on the escape, so it was just the bird running around in circles while I slowly backed her into a corner.
I had two black australorps go broody together. I gave six eggs to each. The first hen (#1) decided she was done halfway through so hen #2 had all 12 eggs. When the chicks hatched and were out with mama hen, #1 would call them over for “food”. But once they came she just wanted to peck them all. It was the strangest thing.

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