sooooo i think i have a broody sexlink

I don't want any broodies but I have a BO that keeps going broody. When I see her on the nest I take her off. A few minutes latter she is right back on it. This is her 3rd time going broody in the last couple of months.
well, puff is still sitting on her eggs! lol friday is day 14!!! im amazed she is still setting!

they were all developing at the last time that i checked, she has 14 eggs under her and on top of that, my little blue splash silkie hen is also broody and sitting on 2 eggs! lol YAY for broodies!
I'll tell you what I think i may let my broody hatch out my lone Icelandic egg.. we are expecting som e pretty good storms and have had the power out twice so far, so i think for the lil ones sake i will let her finish it... And to think I almost broke her broody ...

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