Sort of newish intro to say hello!


13 Years
Sep 22, 2011
Front Range
We've had a small flock for about 15 years, but I haven't posted here in years... work and raising kids kind of overtook me. Our hens have all been elderly for awhile. Now that my husband and I are empty nesters, we felt it was a good time to fill the nest with some chicks :) My daughters are 24 and 26 (and I have a 5-month-old grandson who met our chicks yesterday <3), and we have two springer spaniels and two cats. (My 24-year-old manages a small flock at a ranch where she works and grew up with a love for chickens.) I grew up in Ohio, met my husband in Michigan (he grew up in north Idaho, where we lived for a long time) and we've been in colorful Colorado for about 20 years. When we have time we like to hike, camp and garden. Looking forward to reading and learning here!

Editing to add our current breeds... mixed flock: Isbars, Orpington, New Hamp., Barnevelder, EE, OE.

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