(Sort of) Valentine's Day Hatch-A-Long

Eggs 1, 4, 6, 7, 15, 18 and 21 have pipped now too, and it looks like 21 (Birdie) has started to zip.
@Shellihens @Lovely Lettie @Ingrid_Grace @Cheekychook12 @Slothinc

We can congratulate our first little overachiever! (Out at day 20)
Apologies for the bad photo, but Birdie has successfully gotten out of the egg. I'm very curious what she (hopefully a she) will look like all fluffed up. Now she's taken up the responsibility of encouraging all her siblings to hatch with her little chirps.
Congratulations, I also have chicks hatching today, three have hatched and three are Pipping. Congratulations to all the chicken tenders out there.🐣💖
Everyone except egg 7 (Asteria) has hatched. Asteria has made a pip though, and hopefully will soon make it out as well.
No way to tell who’s who?
Every time I checked up on them, multiple had hatched, making it nearly impossible to tell who came out from what egg. (Except chick 23, Bianca, because she looks a lot different from the rest) Believe me, I would've loved to keep track of each chick, but I couldn't even put any leg bands on them, because there were constantly others pipping/hatching and I didn’t want to mess up their humidity. That being said, I do have some notes on what some of the traits are on the first few chicks, so once they come out of the incubator, I'll probably be able to figure out who they are.
And there will definitely be pictures, because they're adorable, don't worry. You're just gonna have to trust that yours is in there somewhere 😅

As for the appearance of the babies, there are 2 or 3 blue (gorgeous blues btw), some black chicks, and a few that look like they might be cuckoo or blue cuckoo, but I'll know for sure once their feathers start coming in. My cuckoos don't always have clear headspots as chicks.
The first to hatch, Birdie, looks black, and Bianca might be a gold partridge or at least something similar.
About pictures -
(So sorry for keeping yall waiting so for long 😭)
I'm gonna post them in a second.

Out of all chicks, 4 were a little small and struggled with splayed legs at first. Two of those chicks just didn't thrive. They were uninterested in food or water and despite my attempts to help them, they didn't make it. Nature knows best, I guess. The other two have a bit more spunk and while still being smaller than the rest, at least they're eating and drinking. So now there are 14 chicks. But not for long, as their younger siblings in the incubator have started pipping, so it's a matter of time until they cab join the others in the brooder.
I think the second chick in the first row is from egg 4, and the seventh is from egg 21 (AKA Birdie). The chipmunk striped one in the bottom row is Bianca. Unfortunately, I don't know the rest.

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